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Reduce Your Cardiovascular Disease and Attack Risks

Cardiovascular disease includes both heart disease and stroke. The heart and all of the blood veins that pump and circulate blood throughout the body make up the heart health, also known as the circulatory system.

Your lifestyle has a significant impact on the state of your cardiovascular system. Although age and hereditary factors play a role, most cardiovascular diseases might be prevented if more Americans ate healthier foods, exercised more, kept their cholesterol levels and blood pressure in check, and quit smoking.


“Nearly half of all Americans have at least one of three key risk factors for heart disease and stroke: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking.”


A variety of factors cause heart disease and stroke. Healthy blood arteries are flexible, but as people age and adopt unhealthy lifestyles, they may harden and stiffen, restricting blood flow throughout the body. Arteriosclerosis, or ‘hardening of the arteries,’ is the medical term for this condition.


Some tips to prevent cardiovascular disease


Cardiovascular disease, which kills roughly one-third of Americans, may reduce by adopting healthy decisions such as:

Avoid smoking or inhaling smoke: smoking is a significant risk factor since nicotine narrows your blood vessels directly. Cigarette smoking elevates blood pressure and increases your heart attack risk and stroke.

Alcohol should be used in moderation: Too much alcohol might cause your blood pressure to rise. It also adds more calories, perhaps leading to weight gain. Both of these factors increase your chances of developing heart disease.

Consume nutritious meals: stay away from processed foods. Consume a variety of fruits, veggies, and whole grains.

Exercise and move more: talk to your doctor about which practices are best for you. Training offers several advantages, including strengthening the heart and increasing circulation. It may also aid in maintaining a healthy weight and reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.

Stress is connected to heart disease: It has the potential to elevate your blood pressure. A heart attack may trigger by extreme stress. Try muscular relaxation, breathing methods, or visualizations to relieve tension.

Maintain a healthy blood pressure level: A key risk factor is heart disease caused by high blood pressure. Take actions to avoid or manage high blood pressure, including making lifestyle changes.

Maintain a healthy cholesterol level: Cholesterol levels that are too high may block arteries, increasing your risk of heart attack and heart stroke. Cholesterol may reduce by combining lifestyle modifications and medications (if necessary).

Make sure you get adequate rest: You increase your chances of hypertension, obesity, and diabetes if you do not get any sleep. These three factors might increase your risk of a heart attack.



Consult your doctor about lifestyle changes that may help you lower your risk of heart disease. You may also advise how to schedule frequent checkups to detect early symptoms of medical disorders such as depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

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