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Plastic Surgery Is All Over Social Media, What Does It Mean For Mental Health?

Social media lets people show off their best side to everyone, but sadly, it’s made a lot of people connect how good they feel about themselves to how they look. With famous people on social media always trying to look perfect, there’s more talk about plastic surgery than ever before.

In this article, we look into the complicated connection between social media and plastic surgery and how it can make people feel better or worse about themselves, and how it affects our mental health.

The Social Media Era

Social media is everywhere in our lives now. Apps like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok are used by billions of people all over the world. They started as places for sharing personal pictures, stories, and keeping in touch with loved ones. But now, they’ve become important for advertising, showing yourself off, and expressing who you are.

Nowadays, a big part of what’s on social media is about how people show themselves. People work hard to make their online selves look great, often using filters or changes. This idea of looking perfect has made plastic surgery more common, as people try to look as perfect in real life as they do online.

Many apps like FaceTune and Photoshop let people make their wrinkles disappear and change the size and shape of their facial features to look better. Even widely used apps like Snapchat and Instagram have these filters built in, making it easy for their users to change how they look in pictures.

The growth of social media and apps for editing pictures has had a big effect on cosmetic surgery. For example, in 2017, a survey of doctors who do facial plastic surgery found that 55 percent of them had patients asking for changes in their looks just for their selfies.

Emphasis on Body Image

The report points out a few things that are making young people think a lot about how they look.

These things include more and more people feeling anxious about how they look, the rise of social media where pictures can be judged both positively and negatively, and how famous people impact us, showing perfect lives and images that are changed with technology. “We were surprised by what we found, like apps and games that focus on changing your looks through surgery, aimed at girls as young as nine years old.

There’s a constant flood of ads and messages on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. These messages keep pushing unrealistic and sometimes unfair expectations for how people, especially girls and women, should look and behave.

Plastic Surgery and the Impact of Social Media

The rise of social media is one of the biggest changes in our world today. It has brought in a new time where people are more open and willing to share info about things like health, beauty, and fashion. This makes it easier for folks to find all kinds of info, like product reviews, tips about plastic surgeons, and what others think of services. Plus, they can watch videos to learn about things like self-care and how surgeries work.

All of this makes more people curious about cosmetic, aesthetic, and plastic surgeries, and social media is a big part of that.

Another important thing is using filters. We’ve all seen these tools before. Lots of social media apps and photo-editing tools have filters you can use to change how you look with just one click. You can make yourself look thinner or curvier with these filters, and it seems like an easy way to do it. But it’s good to remember that the accuracy of these filters can be very different. Some can make your skin look way too smooth, and others can make some features look too big.

These filters are closely connected to the very common selfie. Selfies are everywhere – we take them at parties, weddings, graduations, vacations, and lots of other times. Most of the time, these selfies end up on social media. When someone sees a picture of you looking really good – whether you used a filter or not – it can make them think, “I want to look like her,” or “I wish I had her body.” These thoughts can make people want to get a cosmetic procedure in the end.

The Influence of Filters and Filters’ Dysmorphia

In the era of filters, it’s not just plastic surgery that changes how we look; the same can happen with a simple click. Filters on apps like Instagram and Snapchat let people change their appearance digitally. They can make their skin smoother, faces slimmer, features more defined, and even change their eye color. But these tools have consequences, and they can lead to what’s called “Filters’ Dysmorphia.”

Filters’ Dysmorphia: Filters’ Dysmorphia is when people start seeing themselves in a weird way because they use filters all the time. Seeing lots of filtered images that often show unrealistic beauty can mess up how they see themselves and make them unhappy with their bodies.

Effect on Mental Health: This can make people feel like they’re not good enough, which can lower their self-esteem and make them worry about how they look. These distorted views can eventually lead to anxiety, sadness, and wanting to get cosmetic procedures to look like the filtered versions of themselves.

The Emergence of Snapchat Dysmorphia

Snapchat Dysmorphia” is a new thing that happens because people are so focused on how they look in pictures taken with their smartphones. When people take pictures that make their facial features look bigger, they might start seeing themselves in a distorted way.

Comparing to Online Pictures: People often think they look less good or less attractive in real life than in the pictures they post on social media. This difference can lead to feeling unhappy and having lower self-confidence.

More Cosmetic Treatments: Trying really hard to look perfect online can make people want to get cosmetic procedures to make their real selves match their better-looking online versions.

The Social Media-Induced Demand for Cosmetic Procedures

The connection between social media and cosmetic treatments has caused a big increase in people wanting these procedures. Seeing surgically improved beauty all the time and trying to look like perfect online versions of ourselves has made more people want to get cosmetic enhancements.

Influencer Deals: When famous people and social media stars say they like cosmetic treatments, they often get paid by clinics and surgeons to talk about them. This can make these treatments seem fancy and like anyone can get them, making more people want to have them.

As cosmetic treatments become common because they’re all over social media, people might think they need to get them to fit in. This keeps a cycle going where people keep trying to make themselves better and change how they naturally look.

The Mental Health Implications

  1. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

Seeing a lot of carefully chosen and changed pictures on social media all the time can make Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) worse. BDD is when someone can’t stop thinking about flaws in how they look, even if they’re not real. It can make people very upset, sad, and even make them think about hurting themselves.

  1. Feeling Worried and Sad

Feeling like you have to look a certain way because of what society says can make you more anxious and sad. When you compare yourself to pictures that have been changed, you might feel like you’re not good enough and that your looks aren’t right.

  1. Not Happy with How Surgery Went

Social media often makes plastic surgery look really great, showing how it can change your life for the better. But not all surgeries turn out perfectly, and not being happy with the results can make you feel sorry, upset, and more mentally troubled.

  1. Feeling Alone and Lonely

Trying really hard to be perfectly good-looking, like social media shows, can make you feel alone and like you have no friends. You might start avoiding other people and not want to do things with them because you’re scared they’ll judge you or be mean to you. This can make you feel alone all the time and make your mental health worse.

  1. Not Thinking Much of Yourself

Seeing lots of pictures on social media that have been changed to look perfect can make you feel like you’re not good enough. You might start thinking you’re not worth much and that you don’t matter because you don’t look like those ideal images. This can really hurt your mental health.

  1. Problems with Eating

The beauty standards on social media that seem impossible to reach can make eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia worse or start them. These disorders make you see your body in a wrong way, and they can make you really sick, both mentally and physically.

Being Bullied and Harassed Online

When you’re trying really hard to look perfect, you might get picked on and harassed online. Mean comments and hurtful messages about how you look can hurt your mental health a lot. People can be extra mean on the internet because they’re hidden behind screens.

Money Worries

Some people get plastic surgery because they think they need to look a certain way because of social media. These surgeries can be expensive, and trying to keep up with beauty standards can make you feel really stressed about money. This can add to your anxiety and sadness.

Not Knowing Who You Really Are

Seeing lots of pictures that have been carefully chosen and changed can make you question who you really are. You might feel like you have to act perfect all the time, which can make you feel like you’re not being yourself. This can really affect your mental health.

Problems in Relationships

Being super focused on how you look and trying to be perfect can put stress on your relationships. Your partner and family might not understand why you’re doing this, and it can cause fights, strained relationships, and more mental distress.

Responsible Social Media Use

Understanding the effects of social media on plastic surgery and mental health is complicated, but it’s important to approach this issue with care:

  1. Knowing Yourself: People should be aware of why they want cosmetic procedures. Are they doing it to improve themselves genuinely, or are they trying to fit unrealistic beauty standards from social media?
  2. Media Smarts: It’s vital to learn how to analyze what’s shared on social media critically. Many images there are not real, and it’s important to tell the difference between heavily edited pictures and real beauty.
  3. Embracing Your Body: Influencers, famous people, and social media platforms should encourage people to feel good about their bodies and accept themselves. Being open and honest online can create a healthier environment.
  4. Expert Advice: Before deciding on plastic surgery, talk to qualified healthcare experts, like plastic surgeons and mental health professionals. They can help you make informed choices and figure out if surgery is right for you.
  5. Less Social Media: For those struggling with how they see themselves, spending less time on social media can be a healthy choice. Seeing lots of idealized images can make it hard to accept and love yourself.
  6. Plastic Surgeons’ Role: Plastic surgeons should put their patients’ well-being first. They should have thorough discussions, check patients’ mental health, and help them have realistic expectations about surgery. Surgeons also need to be cautious when considering surgery for people with body image problems.


The growing popularity of plastic surgery on social media has both good and bad effects on mental health. While it can make people feel confident and help them express themselves, it also makes unrealistic beauty ideals more common, which can cause feelings of worry, sadness, and body image issues. People need to be careful when dealing with this situation, for social media influencers and famous people to encourage being real, and for plastic surgeons to make sure their patients are doing well. Ultimately, society needs to find a middle ground between expressing themselves and being comfortable with who they are in the digital era.


FAQ 1: How does social media influence our perception of beauty and the desire for plastic surgery?

Answer. Social media has a significant impact on beauty standards by promoting idealized and often unrealistic images of beauty. The constant exposure to filtered and edited images of individuals on platforms like Instagram can lead to a heightened desire for plastic surgery. Seeing influencers and celebrities undergo such procedures can further normalize the idea of cosmetic enhancements.

FAQ 2: What is ‘Snapchat Dysmorphia,’ and why is it a concern?

Answer. Snapchat Dysmorphia’ is a term used to describe individuals who seek plastic surgery to resemble their filtered and edited selves on social media. This trend is concerning because it highlights the distortion of self-image and the unhealthy pursuit of an unattainable appearance, which can have detrimental effects on mental health.

FAQ 3: How can one protect their mental health in the era of social media and plastic surgery?

Answer. Protecting your mental health in the age of social media and plastic surgery involves several steps. These include promoting media literacy to critically assess images, seeking professional guidance before undergoing surgery, limiting social media exposure, and emphasizing self-acceptance over conformity to unrealistic beauty standards. Building a healthy relationship with one’s appearance and seeking support when needed are also essential.

FAQ 4: What role should plastic surgeons play in addressing mental health concerns related to plastic surgery?

Plastic surgeons have a responsibility to prioritize the well-being of their patients. They should assess patients’ psychological health, provide thorough consultations, and help patients set realistic expectations for surgery. Surgeons should also be aware of the potential for body dysmorphic disorder and exercise caution when considering surgery for individuals with underlying mental health issues.

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